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UPS=PC turn off circuit design help needed

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UPS=PC turn off circuit design help needed

Postby muheeb » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:55 am

Hi,I am a new member and am a newbie in this electronics field and I was wondering if you guys could help me with this project of mine.

First a fact
.Where I live there is lots of loadshedding happening,so I use a ups to turn off the computer

with that fact in mind,what I want to do is build a circuit that will be connected to my ups and my pc.My understanding is that ups has a system that tells it to change to ac to battery when current is gone,ans battery to ac when current is back up,the circuit will be connected with that system,and the other side of the circuit will be connected with my pc's power button cables.

The power button of the pc as you all know works by one touch,you make them contact once and it is activated.

So,my circuit basically will take the input from the ups that current is gone and touch the cables once together and turn off the pc,and when current is back on it will take that input and touch the cables together again and turn it on.

Can you guys help me out with what components I need and the circuit diagram?The help is appreciated.
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Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:29 am

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